Monday, December 27, 2010

Going Strong!

Christmas is one of the strangest times to start a health initiative... with just a few days before a holiday how can you say that you plan to make healthier food choices and get more exercise?

Yeah.... that thought crossed my mind.

We did it though!! First holiday ever where over-indulgence was held off some and despite the snow storm AND two new game systems the kiddos got outside more than they had in the previous month!

I love my family!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Decisions, decisions....

Gluten free? Additive free? Low fat? Low sugar? Low sodium? All of the above?

Gym membership? Walk the neighborhood? Mall traffic? Park?

All of the all of the above?

Here are some websites I'm perusing as a start:

LOCAL to Virginia:   ~ Hampton Healthy Families Partnership ~

Healthy Family

Raising a Healthy Family

Fellow Blogger - Healthy Family Blog

Who you calling fat?!

Well.... me, I guess. I've been overweight my whole life. No, really.... When I was four years old a pediatrician noted that I was an "Obese female". Yes. Four.

It would be easy to stall, blame, pacify, convince myself that it was all someone else's fault. Believe me, I've done that for YEARS and I'm quite the pro. 

Sure, I've tried diets.... for maybe one or two days. Earlier this year I was vegetarian for TWO WHOLE WEEKS. Whew! But the only time I've lost any significant amount of weight was following weight loss surgery in 1999 - I lost over 70 lbs. However, 50 were quickly returned via two pregnancies, several years of depression, and a bout with alcoholism. Other than the occasional illness (lost 9 lbs last month when I couldn't eat for a week) I've never given a 100% effort to living a healthy lifestyle for more than a couple of weeks.

But, something happened yesterday that snapped me out of my 36 year daze...

I'd share the specifics with you, but it involves my children and I'm sure you can understand my reluctance to share *their* story without their permission... suffice it to say, I realized that a change was more than necessary in order for each of my family members (including myself) to live successful and healthy "rest of our" lives.

THIS is the profile picture I recently uploaded to my Facebook page:

HERE is a more accurate photo from the same day/time files:

That's a little more honest... but to TRULY break it down, there's this:

That was taken at Disney World in June - granted I've lost a little weight since then, but not much. Amazing what a little lighting, angle, makeup, and hair can do for a chicka, huh? ;)

But, I'm ready to change and I'm hoping to be a good example to my kids and husband too.

No fads, no "diets" or special programs, no paid services or surgeries or specially packaged food.... just good old fashioned healthy eating and exercise.

So, the journey begins... and I'm filling you in from the very inception. I'm not sure what road we're going to take  as far as groceries and cooking goes... and I'm MORE than willing to take advice and ideas. But, join us for the ride, if you want to. 

For the first time in my life... I've found a motivation inside AND outside of myself to make a real and lasting change.